Its amazing how quickly a decade slips through our fingers. There was some silly commencement speech put to music on the radio in 1999. One of the lines tells you not to worry, well worry, but know that the real worries in your life are things that never cross your troubled mind...things that are bound to blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. 4pm on Tuesday January 5th, 1999 to be precise. Its been a great decade just the same as this blog shows.
First of all, shortly after that day there was list made with 101 things to do. Now ten years later its amazing how many of those things that I havent done, but the most important ones, I have done. I wanted to have a family and that is the one that I was really unsure about. Fathers Day always bummed me out before Jimmy, now it just tires me a good way. So now is a good as time as any for an update on the little ones.....
James is now 7 years old and in the second grade. He loves (emphasis) loves playing hockey. One confession is that I've watched the hockey videos of Jimmy's game as goalie about fifty times. I'm biased but he was awesome!!!! I think it made it so much better because of how happy he was doing it. The kid never loses his smile.This time of the year is Bruins time. We are going to the Bruins game in two weeks. He's doing very well in school and loves to play his wii, x-box and computer games. He is also involved in wrestling and starts basketball this week. There hasnt really been any basketball genes on our side of the family, most of us were nicknamed "heads". This was because everytime one of us would shoot the ball everyone would yell out "heads".
Laura is six. She loves kindergarten and I just spoke to her teacher today. The teacher informs me that she is extremely bright and goes above and beyond what is asked of her. She is one who tells more than she should.....There are no secrets around here. She really is a perfect little girl. She loves her American Girl Dolls and is very good to her little sister. Amazingly, she and Jimmy have been getting along fabulously lately. They have been playing together and even joking around. Boy, I hope that lasts.
And speaking of perfect little girls, Catherine is now three years old and is my other little angel. I love it at night when I go in to move them around and check on them before I go to bed. Whenever I cover her up and put her on her pillow she is out cold with a smile on her face. She's so cute and cuddly. She asked me tonight if I'd bring her on a train soon. I think I'll try soon. I immediately think to how will we do that with the train bathrooms. I know we'd be in it a couple of times during the ride. Never fails!
My little Jack...oooo my little Jack. At two years old he loves his trains, Elmo and Blues Clues. He's a mommies boy but tonight he sat in his red sox seat and fell asleep on my chest. He gets these screams in the morning and I cant seem to get him to lower the decibel level. Nacks!!!!! Milkie!!!! is what we hear at about five a.m. every morning. Loud enough for Midge next door to hear. He's a cutie though, I love the words that come out of his mouth. He gets so excited when he sees all his friends like Nana,Doe, aunt jo, eddie and umple david, especially david and we cant forget dominick. Many mornings I hear Lyn yelling out "jack stop". He's beautiful though. When we were watching tv tonight he started dancing when the people on tv were doing the same. He gets down and shakes his booty. He's a hoot thats what he is.