Friday, May 02, 2008

I Passed !!!

Bye bye bar exam. Got home from Boston about 4pm and the mail was just getting here. I got inside the house, went out to the front lawn in the rain. As I opened the envelope I just sat and stared at my name for a good thirty seconds. When I did turn all I saw was the word congratulations, there were some other words saying that I passed. When I realized the results I just screamed...I mean a very loud scream. After that I started banging on the hood of the share and take turns truck. One of my neighbors who I dont really know that well just looked over at me not knowing what to think. The mailman, who knew what I was waiting for, was a little bit down the street. I saw him pump his fist and yell out something to me. Lyn and Marion were inside the house and heard me well into the kitchen. I literally could not open the next page for that period. Lyn looked out into the yard and noticed (I did not notice) that all the neighbors were looking out their windows.
For about two or three hours I didnt even read the rest of the page or the next. I called my mother and of course her phone was off the hook. Marion was at the house so I asked her to drive me to my mothers place. Of course she wasnt home so I had to go walking around and I finally found her walking with her lady friend Viola. All i could do was throw my hands up in the air and exclaim that I passed. She was so excited and gave St. Jude all the credit. What followed was a barrage of phone calls as the news got around.
Eddie and I ended the night with a trip to the Gentlemans Club.....hardy har har.......Used up all my dollar bills and came home.
All this crazy stuff and now I have to remember that tomorrow we have a recital and two baseball games. What a day though. I got to call all the brothers and sisters and tell them the good news. I am still looking at the paper and thinking that somehow they are going to change the message and tell me they made a mistake.

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