Friday, May 16, 2008

Fenway is all wet

Went to Fenway with Aunt Jo, Lyn and Jimmy Friday night. We knew it was going to rain but thought to give it a shot anyway. I told Jim, and I truly believe, that a rainy night at Fenway with no baseball game is better than a night anywhere else. Tons of people stayed and just waited. They finally called the game at 8:40PM. I think they say the makeup game is tomorrow night at 8pm. Ohhh yeah, we'll be there.
Jimmy was intent on making a sign. We are going to use it again tomorrow night. As the rain got heavier and heavier he kept talking aloud about how the rain was letting up and the Red Sox game would be starting soon. At one point he yelled down to the red sox bench and told them to get out there and start. .......still something about that green wall.....

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