Friday, May 23, 2008

Toothie strikes again

Lyn and I went to pick up Jimmy today at school in the Share and Take turns truck. Clayton came out first and told me that James had a tooth fall out. I could see him in the line behind all the other kids, minus a tooth, grinning and all proud because he lost another tooth. Mrs. Matthews had given him a nice little ziploc bag to put the tooth in. It didnt take him long to put it under his pillow and for some reason he thought the tooth fairy was going to take it before he went to sleep. It has been a hectic week here so its a good thing he brought it up. I think I just heard the tooth fairy come and go in his room.
Jack his this new thing he likes to do. He put his foot in my face so I can smell it and shreek out PU. It even stops his crying.....for a second anyway.
Last night Lyn had to go to a wake so I got to keep all the little animals all to myself. With great fear in my heart I brought all four of them to Friendly's. They were semi well behaved. I forgot to take Jack's milk cup so he had to drink out of a cup with a straw and it didnt survive very well. He got a cut up hot dog with mac and cheese. The mac and cheese only partially ended up in his mouth with the rest in his hand being thrown around the restaurant.
Overall, they were pretty well behaved. Every time we go there I get a bowl of clam chowder and Catherine eats most of it. She barely gets her mouthful when she wants some more. I take one spoonful, she gets one and Jimmy just wants the liquid part of it, no clams or potatoes. Laura wanted no part of it. Of course the Ice Cream was the best part of it.
Jimmy got into a little trouble with me after his last game and I had to bench him for the next game, which is tomorrow. Today I was dead set on keeping good on my word but as the day goes into night I'm having a hard time not letting him go to the game. All the parenting books in the world will disagree with me but I dont think I can go through with it.
Laura has soccer at 8:30 in the morning and Jimmy has hockey at about the same time too. I'm taking Laura because I've missed the last two weeks of it. I'll have to bring the camera because I think its the last soccer game of the season.

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