Monday, April 14, 2008


soccer, ballet, irish step, baseball, t-ball, hockey, cub scouts, swimming, whew is all I can say. We used to think we were busy.

Laura started soccer last weekend and t-ball in the same day. She did incredibly well in soccer. We gave her soccer lessons a couple of years ago and they paid off. She seemed to know what she was doing controlling the ball. Even though the coach came up to me about an hour into the practice to tell me that her shoes were on the wrong feet......Lyn told me that she would give her about fifteen minutes before she wanted to go home and she was right on target. She got a second wind, made a couple of friends and stuck around. Lyn brought her to t-ball which eventually got rained out but she got some grounders in.
Saturdays baseball practice was interrupted by a phone call from my old friend Steve who had two tickets to the Yankees-Red Sox game, seven rows from the field, third base side. Well, of course I went.
It was Catherines birthday on Sunday and that was the day of the walkathon. We went over Uncle Patricks house after the walk and had a cake for both Catherine and Jimmy (birthday next week). Catherine was so happy about her birthday...all day long you couldnt take the smile off of her face. I got to go volunteer in her pre school class last week too. The class all sang to her. She is very well behaved in school. She got to show me how she paints on an easel, play with putty and she made a sheep face with glue. She got a birthday card in the mail today from Aunt Suzie and Uncle Jackie. She sat on her chair and kept reading it for about an hour, showing it to me and telling me what the faces on the card were saying. I went into the computer and showed her the pictures of both of them holding her when they came home last year.
Its amazing how much Jack is talking. He says thank you, please and tells Frankie to sit. He went out on the baseball field tonight at practice and was yelling at the kids. Clayton's brother William was running around the field with him. I think Laura has a crush on Will because she talks to him without really talking to him.....following him around. Its cute, until she gets older and then we'll put a stop on it. ooo boy, I"m not ready for that.
I noticed today that Jimmy is getting so old so quick. He has a readathon where he has to read certain amount of books. We sat on his bed before sleeptime and he read a whole book for me. It was the cat in the hat. That book is kind of freaky actually. Maybe its just me being me.

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