Monday, April 07, 2008

We've all caught baseball fever!!!

What a voice!!!!

And on another note, I was very excited tonight when I went to Wal-Mart to buy some shoelaces and read the wrapper to find that they are made in the USA. So excited that I bought two. Just goes to show you what amuses my feeble mind these days.

In other news :

James has started his first week of official practices for minor league baseball. What a handsome coach he has. Its tough to have your own kid on the team, little buggah is so excited. He already knows all my little jokes I try to tell his teammates. He has improved soooo much in the one year.

Laura starts T-Ball and we had our first get together with the team last Sunday. She's on the Dodgers and she loves the hat. There are four other girls on the team so she's happy. She is also signed up for soccer. They dont have team names, just colors and she demands to know the color now so she can prepare. I went to a couple of her dance classes. We usually dont get to see her practice but the teachers let the parents go in and watch them do a practice recital. She got a cool green dress for her recital. The song is the monster mash, its a graveyard smash...

Catherine has started changing her dresses about five times a day. She's awesome and funny, funny. Such a little sense of humor and huggable. Love her singing too. She doesnt like to be left out of anything so while the other kids are on teams and leagues, she's happy to tell everyone that she will be playing soccer on the front lawn with daddy. I'm gonna have to make a team game of soccer with her out front. I'm going to volunteer on Wednesday at Catherines class, I hope. Her birthday is this Sunday and we'll have a cake for her and Jimmy at Uncle Patricks house.

Jack is talking more every day. He sings and sings. He'll do his own mini concert starting with the itsy bitsy, then go to A,B,C's, then to his version of take me out to the ballgame and finish with so good, so good to Sweet Caroline. The kids are teaching him "hey there delilah"..oooo, what you do to me, ooooo, what you do to me.........someone told me that singing improves the kids speech so I'll just keep singing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Catherine has a wonderful voice!!! It's 10 times better than her Dad's.....;-)