Sunday, April 27, 2008
Another opening day
The last practice she had me paint her face blue for the Dodgers. She also had soccer in the morning and scored four goals. I have to get some pictures of her with her sports. I have been coaching her T-ball team, just an asst. coach not a manager so its not so bad.
Today we had team pictures and I was surprised how many of the teammates showed up. Jim crashed tonight on the couch. I'm surprised it took him so long. His week off from school had been so hectic. The poor kid never relaxes. If he is at home he is in the yard playing baseball or hockey or basketball.
It rained today so we didnt get to plant any flowers. Last night I made a trip to Home Depot and got them. Laura had reminded me today that I promised her that we'd have a garden this year. After I bought the flowers she told me that she wanted vegetables so we could eat our green beans and potatoes that we plant. I had told Lyn a little while ago that we'd be growing and slaughtering our food from now on because of the price of food. Laura took me a little literal. She finally agreed to just do flowers. Catherine likes to pop the flower off the plant and smell it as soon as it blooms.
This week Laura has her recital at aroudn the same time as Jim's baseball game. I dont think I can miss a recital. I could go to the rehearsal but I missed last years recital and only went to the rehearsal but she noticed. She is with Emily. I have to download her "monster mash" song. Jimmy keeps asking me to buy a pat benatar song for the ipod. I can't believe she's practically 60. Where did the years go?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Opening day for JimJim
Aunt Jo, Doe, Cousins Jacqui and Mikaela, Uncle Eddie, Mommy and the kids all came on to cheer him on. He was really good and hit the ball well.
We sang Happy Birthday to Jimmy about 72 times during the day and night. He had a smile on his face all day long. He was in baseball camp all week during school vacation. Jacob, Max, Connor, Zach and Clayton were there too. I snuck in to see him a couple of times. I love just to watch him. After the camp he came home and put on the catchers equipment and had a little game all by himself for a little while until I was ready to pitch to him. By the way, my shoulder is killing.
Last night I spoke with Jimmy before he went to bed, about the day he was born. He was all questions. It was a hectic birth. I remember we had to drive all the way from cow country and I was honking my horn at people to let me get through, some did, some didnt. The rest of the morning was horrible (the ride), then great(the birth), then horrible(rushed to PICU), then great(when they told he would be OK).
Lyn also had a talk with Jimmy about the morning that he was born. Yesterday at around 6:50AM Lyn told Jimmy that it was seven years ago at that very time that her water broke and she had to go to the hospital. Jimmy told her that it wasnt that long ago because we already cleaned up the cellar after the water broke. He was referring to the hot water tank giving way last month.
Laura has opening day on Saturday with Jimmy having a game a couple of hours later. Even if I wasnt defective I'd have an impossible task to remember what the hell I have to do each day.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Red Sox game with the buddies

Happy Birthday cakes
Monday, April 14, 2008
Laura started soccer last weekend and t-ball in the same day. She did incredibly well in soccer. We gave her soccer lessons a couple of years ago and they paid off. She seemed to know what she was doing controlling the ball. Even though the coach came up to me about an hour into the practice to tell me that her shoes were on the wrong feet......Lyn told me that she would give her about fifteen minutes before she wanted to go home and she was right on target. She got a second wind, made a couple of friends and stuck around. Lyn brought her to t-ball which eventually got rained out but she got some grounders in.
Saturdays baseball practice was interrupted by a phone call from my old friend Steve who had two tickets to the Yankees-Red Sox game, seven rows from the field, third base side. Well, of course I went.
It was Catherines birthday on Sunday and that was the day of the walkathon. We went over Uncle Patricks house after the walk and had a cake for both Catherine and Jimmy (birthday next week). Catherine was so happy about her birthday...all day long you couldnt take the smile off of her face. I got to go volunteer in her pre school class last week too. The class all sang to her. She is very well behaved in school. She got to show me how she paints on an easel, play with putty and she made a sheep face with glue. She got a birthday card in the mail today from Aunt Suzie and Uncle Jackie. She sat on her chair and kept reading it for about an hour, showing it to me and telling me what the faces on the card were saying. I went into the computer and showed her the pictures of both of them holding her when they came home last year.
Its amazing how much Jack is talking. He says thank you, please and tells Frankie to sit. He went out on the baseball field tonight at practice and was yelling at the kids. Clayton's brother William was running around the field with him. I think Laura has a crush on Will because she talks to him without really talking to him.....following him around. Its cute, until she gets older and then we'll put a stop on it. ooo boy, I"m not ready for that.
I noticed today that Jimmy is getting so old so quick. He has a readathon where he has to read certain amount of books. We sat on his bed before sleeptime and he read a whole book for me. It was the cat in the hat. That book is kind of freaky actually. Maybe its just me being me.
Monday, April 07, 2008
We've all caught baseball fever!!!
What a voice!!!!
And on another note, I was very excited tonight when I went to Wal-Mart to buy some shoelaces and read the wrapper to find that they are made in the USA. So excited that I bought two. Just goes to show you what amuses my feeble mind these days.
In other news :
James has started his first week of official practices for minor league baseball. What a handsome coach he has. Its tough to have your own kid on the team, little buggah is so excited. He already knows all my little jokes I try to tell his teammates. He has improved soooo much in the one year.
Laura starts T-Ball and we had our first get together with the team last Sunday. She's on the Dodgers and she loves the hat. There are four other girls on the team so she's happy. She is also signed up for soccer. They dont have team names, just colors and she demands to know the color now so she can prepare. I went to a couple of her dance classes. We usually dont get to see her practice but the teachers let the parents go in and watch them do a practice recital. She got a cool green dress for her recital. The song is the monster mash, its a graveyard smash...
Catherine has started changing her dresses about five times a day. She's awesome and funny, funny. Such a little sense of humor and huggable. Love her singing too. She doesnt like to be left out of anything so while the other kids are on teams and leagues, she's happy to tell everyone that she will be playing soccer on the front lawn with daddy. I'm gonna have to make a team game of soccer with her out front. I'm going to volunteer on Wednesday at Catherines class, I hope. Her birthday is this Sunday and we'll have a cake for her and Jimmy at Uncle Patricks house.
Jack is talking more every day. He sings and sings. He'll do his own mini concert starting with the itsy bitsy, then go to A,B,C's, then to his version of take me out to the ballgame and finish with so good, so good to Sweet Caroline. The kids are teaching him "hey there delilah"..oooo, what you do to me, ooooo, what you do to me.........someone told me that singing improves the kids speech so I'll just keep singing.