Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ballunteer Day

This morning was my monthly volunteer day at Jimmy's school. I, of course, went there yesterday but it was one day early. It's pretty cool, they have stations set up around the classroom and the kids go from one table to the next doing different things like spelling and drawing and rhyming. His best buds are Zach and Clayton, of course. I'm already finding him a wife out of his classmates. This year it is Grace. She is sooooo cute and a nice, nice gal.
The teacher is very nice too. She has a good handle on the class. If one of the kids acts up too much they go to yellow light and if, god forbid, they get worse they go to red light and get a ticket that mommy or daddy have to sign. Whenever someone gets a ticket its like the big scandal and Jimmy gets so excited, like a little gossip hound.

Catherine starts her second week in school today. She is sooooooooooooo excited again. She loves it. We were kind of worried about it but there was no need (yet anyway).

Laura woke up during the night last night tossing her cookies. She's sick....She is pathetic when she is sick. She asked me to call Grammy Franny this morning and tell her that she was sick. She made me promise before I left the house.

Jack seems to be getting better. He does this thing now where he scrunches his face together and gives me a mean look. Over the weekend he did this to me for about an hour. He's a nut!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Night Date

Jimmy, Laura and Lyn are away skiing for the weekend so I decided to go out on a date to Friendly's Saturday night. She has a pin on her jacket from Grammy Franny that she loves showing around. By the time we left there her sweater was decorated with Chocolate ice cream.

I talked to Jim Jim earlier from Vermont. He has gone swimming and sledding today, playing air hockey with Nana and Jake. Laura has just done the sledding and a short ski lesson.

Catherine is pretty good considering she's all alone in her room. Usually if Laura isnt there she gets weepy missing her. Jack was a little sick last night. He threw up some and tonight was just a little bit cranky. Catherine is still pretty good about going to sleep as long as she gets hugs and kisses and secrets. She tells me "a billion dollars" without telling me the I love you's, but I like it just the same.

I have two days gone out of a three day course this weekend. Its all day and is long long long. Cant wait till this whole bar exam thing is over so I can be healthy and normal, whatever that is. This Spring Jimmy, of course, has baseball but Laura also starts T-Ball and we are trying soccer with her. It was a fight but she has finally got into it. She invites everyone she knows to come see her soccer games.

Catherine was still beaming about her starting school. Its just one day a week but she did awesome.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Uncle Ed gave us some Bruins tix for Christmas. We took the train in. Jimmy is usually a pretty healthy eater and turns down junk food. Not at the game though. Starting with Doritos, hot dogs, nachos, chocolate chip cookies........His system was not used to that....you know what happened at 3 am. Of course. was in the bedroom during the night, I should have known better.
But regarding the game. We had a blast. Jimmy was at a skiing lesson until 5, we made it to the train on time. He was so funny talking to everyone on the train about the Bruins. Last year we went to a game where the Bruins came back from 3-0 and ended up winnning the game in overtime. It was an awesome game. It seems like he told that story to at least ten people during the night. He was awesome tonight.
The seats were great, center ice, first row. Of course they won the game. We got the Bruins Claws for Laura and Catherine. We have a secret handshake, like the one that Manny and the other Red Sox use. boom boom boom weeeeee....its pretty cool.
Spring Training is starting soon.

Bruins hockey game against the Islanders.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Catherine starts School !

Today is a big day in the life of Catherine. Its her first day in pre-school. From all accounts she walked in like she owned the place. Kara checked on her several times during the classes and said she was perfect. I couldnt wait to talk to her about it. She was excited talking to me about it.
Tomorrow night James and I have tickets to the Bruins. We are very excited. They are awesome seats. Lately he's been kind of grumpy and all I have to tell him is how many days we have left to go to the game and that seems to cheer him up. He's doing alot of things which sometimes I feel is real good and other times not so good. We'd rather keep him busy then leave him idle.
Laura is so funny. She comes in and sits in the bed in the morning and carries on this great conversation as a five year old would. She just talks and talks, the facial expressions are priceless. She's happy and laughs alot.
Jack is walking all over the place. He loves his dog Frankie. He sometimes just dives on him and does his improvised bark. When yell out 'ruff ruff' he laughs hysterically. He's mostly a mommy's boy, as is jimmy. He likes giving high fives and having me do the 'claw'.
I have the bar exam next month. The studying is every night after work for about four hours. Its kind of hell and nerve wracking. 34 days and 17 hours left.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

career ambitions

Laura and Catherine woke me up this morning. Laura tapped me on the shoulder and told me that she wanted to be a hall monitor when she grows up. Catherine yelled "me too, me too".