Sunday, April 05, 2020

Putting together cabinet with Cat

     Well, as if the painting wasn't enough excitement, Cat and I decided to torture ourselves with a do it yourself cabinet.  Six hours and about 400 pieces later we finally finished it.....I didnt even swear that much.  It was really needed and i'm glad we did it.  Jimmy was able to help us for a little bit but he went and braved the grocery store....and i think we bored  him.

     During our weekend of work we had a special guest who came and visited and didnt breath on us.  We always like to have the Umple stop by and say hello with or without the mask.
     We got alot of stuff to stash inside these cabinets....we could probably use a couple more.  We do have another one in the back yard room...Catherine really enjoys organizing and couldnt wait for us to finish so she could do just that.....I was more than happy to let her :)
     After breaking up all the boxes and cleaning up after us....i think i'm just going to pass out cold !!!

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