Saturday, April 04, 2020

Painting during the weekend with some quaranteenagers....

          During the week Cat and Laura took the huge step of painting their bedroom.  When we went to Lowe's to pick up the paint she also wanted to pick out the color for the kitchen.  Those two girls really did a wonderful job of painting.....I was very impressed..       Today,  Cat make plans with Erin to come over and help with the kitchen painting.  The kitchen has always been a very active area in our house and the holes in the wall show just that.  I asked Erin if she had ever used spackling and of course she had.......ooooo, i told her she was the son i always wanted!!...Only kidding of course but we did call the paint store and they delivered the spacklel curbside.
     Wouldn't you just love to leave it like that.....Of course they have my name as Jeb!!
     It really came out great with a very limited amount of errors.  It was an all day affair for us but they really are great painters !!
At one point I was painting over the sink and there was a number of cut-ins that had to be done that were kind of tricky so I told both Cat and Erin that they didnt have to do that area and that I would take care of it.  I told them that it was an area that was hard to reach and that I had much longer arms and could reach that area so much easier.  I really didnt think too much about it and I just continued on painting and zoning out as usual as I do.  Well, fast forward a couple of hours later I noticed that I had been all alone painting for a while and figured that they had just got bored or something.  Jimmy happened to come through and I asked him if he had seen the girls.  He tells me that they were in the back room and they told him that I said that I didnt need their help because their arms were too short....Ooooooooh and Catherine kept saying that she cant paint because she's got dinosaur arms or something like that....i guess dinosaurs have those little arms.......oh those girls !!  But they went right back into it and they seemed to be rejuvenated by the break.  Cat and I ended up finishing it up and it did turn into an all day affair....but another fun one at that......

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