Saturday, November 24, 2018

States at Harvard

Off to Harvard we go for the much anticipated State championships!!  She had the flu all week..the timing of it all....but that didnt stop her from practicing and swimming her heart out on Sunday.  She ended up with a third and second and two good showings on relays.....She really swam her heart out and was so sick...She never used it as an excuse.  You could tell she was disappointed but lets face it...we certainly weren't disappointed......being second and third in the whole state for your age is nothing to sneeze at...thats the standards that she sets for herself...the good thing is that she usually brushes it off and goes on to the next have to...All I've ever asked of any of them is to do your best and they never disappoint me....I'm not just saying that....there are some good kids there i must say

There was quite a following of fans to make the pilgrimage too....Mr and Mrs Ring,Umple Eddie, Auntie Jo, Cat, Jack,Erin, Emily and Kara, Nana and Doe, and of course Mommy and Daddy......though Nana got struck with the sickness bug and had to flee unexpectedly early...but she got to see the first half.  she mustve been pretty sick to leave early cuz she's a constant fan of Laura's meets....But overall it was a grand ole time.  Poor Laura has been recovering and is still a little under the weather a week later....She's a tough son of a gun and fights through these things.
The greatest neighbors on earth...We love the Rings!!!

The winners podium

Here is the number one fan....Alex is a great friend (and member of the family I must say)

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