Monday, November 26, 2018

Another day out

Its the day after Thanksgiving and we are home and they thought they were housebound...but not for too long.  I request Black Gordon and off we go....Jackie took the football and tennis ball.  We played catch for a little while alongside that old train.  Boy was it cold but i'm thinking it didnt bother them as much as it did me....brrrrrr...Anyway, We stayed here for a while and then we headed out.....We decided that we would stop over at the refurbished Mill and grab a coffee and some grub...We had already been to Einsteins bagels but we burned that off already.
We went to a great coffee place inside the Old Mill and the kids found their own Cubbyhole to enjoy their hippie drinks and snacks...I got myself a coffee...of course

\On the drive home we werent ready to shut it down so off we went to the waterfront for some more football catch and tennis ball ....Catherine of course wanted to play tackle here they are going at it......she does appear so cute most of the time...but she's a tiger!!!

How else can you finish off the day but to go for some pizza and bowling.  These two wanted to show off their skills and try to beat Daddy....Not today my little sweet things....But we did have a great time!!!

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