Monday, February 05, 2018

Arcade day with Jackie

      I had promised Jack that we would go to an arcade soon.  He was supposed to go to a party with a schoolmate but they had changed the time so he couldn't go.  I figured this was a perfect time to head out to arcade.  I'm usually not a big arcade guy but this time we had a blast!!!  We moved from one game to another.  As Jack says it, we went and played games that were for fun rather than for tickets.  He was still able to get himself a booty of tickets..

     We started out on the bowling area where Jack was unintentionally slamming the ball to the ground on his way to  getting pins.  This kid just kept trash talking me the whole time.  As time went on we went from the basketball game to driving games to mole power games, where he would smash the mole and get a bunch of tickets based on his strength.  Then there was the Deal or no Deal game.  That was kind of funny because the lady that had played right before us was an adult lady and I think she had played like five or six games in a row before us.  She got a little too excited to win 100 tickets.

Sooooo then we finished after a couple of hours.  It was fun having the alone time with the little buggah.  So we still had to figure out what to do with the tickets. 
     We got up the counter and the kids counted out our tickets to find out what great prizes we could get for the 245 tickets we had amassed.  We were able to get a train whistle, some really hard  candy and yes, a whoopie cushion.sooooooo we get home after playing the train whistle for most of the ride home.  I sit down on the recliner and Jackie says that he had left something on the recliner that i was sitting on.  This was not a rare occurrence so i thought nothing of it.  Totally and completely out of the blue, I fell for it!!  I normally consider myself a little more Jackie savvy than this...but while I was not paying attention he had slipped a full whoopie cushion under me and I fell for it, hook, line and sinker!!!  I found this so funny because i hadn't been caught on the wrong end of a whoppie cushion in years!!  I was quite proud he was able to pull it off.  I couldnt believe it when it happened, that I had fallen for it.....Bravoooo little one!!!

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