Monday, February 26, 2018

February vacation

      What a great vacation for the kids this week.  Its times like these great times are what we were hoping for when we bought this place.  How relaxing it was!!!  Kara brought them up on Wednesday and Lyn and I found our way up there on Friday because Kara had to leave.  Poor Jimmy didn't come up because he had some friend things to do...I bet he missed us.  He got to stay with Ant Jo.  All things considered it was a tremendous success.  We went out to eat almost every night.
 ...Of course we made a trip to the Country Store.  Love the picture of the old man and his son 
       Umple Eddie doesnt like being a passenger so I got him a new grip for the steering wheel when he drives the minivan....Its so fuzzy!!  We stopped in a boot store on the way to the ski slope...They had a great sale so the ump and I both bought a pair of boots and I got a fuzzy steering wheel too....
      The kids made these chairs in the snow during the week for their comfort.  I sat in one of them
     Lyn buckling up the umple for the slopes
      The girls gave me a face mask.  It wasnt the peel away type so it wasnt so easy to take off!!!This screen shot is from my facebook live...It got ugly!!  It was real fun because we got to dance and sing a bit.  Well, it was my version of dancing...If I figure out how to download the video onto a file i'll download it here...
      Homemade chairs in the yard...Alice joined us this week and she was perfect.  She was so much fun to be around.  She handled Jack just like a Blatham!!!  She is such a nice kid and a great friend to Laura.  She had come here this past summer when she helped break into the house using her height to get into the second floor window.
      Umple Eddie got a face mask too...only they gave him the peel away was a set up
      Relax kids, dont get up, I'll get it!!  No, they had a relaxing time this week.  We went snow tubing on Gunstock.  That place was really awesome.  I've never been there but I guarantee that we'll be back again.  It took a little over a half hour to get to and its so easy to move around there..not too congested, especially for a vacation week.

      Waiting in line for the roller coaster...yes, they had a whip around roller coaster at Gunstock.  There was a tubing hill and a roller coaster.  The roller coaster we a miniature version but I still dont like roller coasters.  This one let you control the speed so I got to go wimpy.
A couple of scary monsters!! Betcha their masks were peel away!!!

This is the facebook video url for the face mask.  Just copy and paste it and away you go

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