Monday, November 20, 2017

Jackie on the Trombone

     Jack's first ever Trombone concert and what an event it was.  Nana, Laura and mommy joined in on the festivities.  They have only been playing for a very short period of time but they sounded good.  Soooooooooooo I grabbed a camera and decided to go along the side wall and get a good shot of Jackie while he was playing.  Being the great photographer that I am, used the side wall to brace myself while i took the distance photo.  This way I keep a steady hand.  Well, I didnt know the side wall was a flexible one and pushed in when you lean against it.  So they had leaned some items against where i leaned and those items (I still dont know what they were) went flying and into the next room did I go.  I kept my footing but there was a hell of a noise.  I righted myself and tried to walk like nothing happened and no one noticed.  The whole hall noticed!!!  Even Jackie came up to me later and said NICE GOING DADDEEE.

     I really think he likes this trombone thing.  He's a fun kid and immerses himself into things he enjoys.  Its always a treat in the house to hear him practicing the trombone......The other kids love hearing it !!  Of course I kid you....But i'll listen to him, from a room or two over of course.

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