Tuesday, July 18, 2017


     Jackie and I got to go to the US vs. Japan baseball game last nght.  Aunt Jo brought him to a baseball  clinic during the day hosted by the US and Japanese team.  I'm laughing thinking about the conversations he must have had with the Japanese players.  He told me emphatically that none of them spoke English and he couldn't understand what the translator was saying.  He was upset that he couldnt get an autograph from any of the players on either side because he had nothing to write on.  We made sure we brought a baseball to the night game and he went down to the bullpen and got an autograph from one of the Japanes pitchers.  He proudly brought it up to me.  I asked him what the guys names was and he just looked at it and smiled saying 'i dont know'.  So cute.  He also told me that he said Kaneecheewa to them.  He thinks that is saying hello to them in Japanese.  I sure hope so!!
Overall it was very fun and there was some very good baseball being played between the two teams.  We also ran into cousin Al and his son Brandon.  We dont get to see them that often but when we do there is always alot of laughter and mischief.

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