Friday, June 23, 2017

Last day of bus

      If its drama you want, look no further.  I am keenly aware that we are coming across the lasts of things here.  Today marked the last day of putting kids on buses to school.  Can I tell you something?? Its horrible!!!  Every morning, like it or not since Jimmy was in kindergarten we have made our way down the corner of the street and played catch with a tennis ball.  All of the kids joined in on it through the years and it was just something that i took for granted.  It was just part of my day.  ohhh its hitting me that its over!!  I suppose its just time for new things and guess what Jackie asked me today??  He said-Can we still play catch every morning next year before I go to middle school??  Well, of course we can Jackie!!  I just have to go to sleep earlier....New traditions!!!  okay, now i feel better!!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Annual bike ride to school day...

      Ahhh, is this really the last annual bike ride to school day.  He talks about it all year long.  It is a fun thing to do, just different.  We get to ride on the main street and see the bus ride by us. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Laura's semi-formal...

     Laura was all set to go to this semi with her friends and no date.  Most people dont have a date for it.  But then......word got leaked that she was going with Will.  Such a wondrous change of events.  I'm told they are just going as friends but he is such a good boy.  When we were taking pictures he actually gave me a hug.  What a great kid.  We've known Will for quite some time and he and I used to share a secret handshake.  Laura looked so beautiful too.  Just look at her, always happy and smiling.  Umple came by and shared in our excitement of sending her off.  I think Laura got sick of taking pictures.  

Oh my little hippie angel.  She was so beautiful.

Oh look at them...!!!

undefeated champions

     The Hurricanes went through the year undefeated!!!  They have such a fun group of kids and Laura and Cat played really well all year.  Coach Mark is such a great guy and has alot of patience with the kiddo's.  They have fun and thats what matters!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Field Day

I was lucky enough to be chosen to chaperone twice in one week.  This time i was with the Big Bertha game.  There was a big ball and the kids were given soccer ball size balls and they were to keep the ball from going in their square only by throwing balls at the bigger ball.  I was there to chase down the stray balls that get thrown and miss Big Bertha.  I was exhausted by the end of the field day.  Jacks friends were all funny because now they have seen me in school a number of times and we are like old buddies.  This game is another where the students can go under the multicolored fabric and when they all stand up the softall sized balls on top go flying.  I did that one before too.  How sad that this will be the last field day i'll be able to chaperone in grade school....

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Field Trip with Jackies fourth grade class

Jackie came to me last week all excited and told me that I had been chosen to be a chaperone to the Mills in Lowell.  I had done that trip in years past but i didnt exactly remember signing up.  Thats okay, I just got 'chosen' to participate in field day next Tuesday and I swear I didnt sign up for that one either.  Believe me, its awesome that he still wants me to go and I only joke about it because i love it......But he is a riot.
Jackie in between all the big machines.
     I remember this exercise from the other kids where they had to pretend to be engineers and build a way to hoist baskets up a ramp.  They get forty five minutes to figure it all out.  They did a great job working their way through it.
     There was a very good crew of kids.  They were all well behaved and I  didnt lose any kids in my group.  Thats always a plus..
They were all showing me their best photo bombs