Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How can a Yankee inspire me and make me feel good??

The headline is kind of misleading.  I was reading an article about Derek Jeter last night and he was asked if he had any regrets over his long career.  He said that the only regret he had is that he hadnt kept a journal because its so easy to forget the things he experiences during his career.  For whatever reason, I've been heading back to my dear blog lately and looking back to the earlier days with All My Children and have been reflective of their earlier years.  That's the purpose of this blog and its the one thing that has been the opposite of regret that I have done.  I'm glad that I don't have the regret because i've done it!!
     Just this morning I had a couple of laughs with the kids that would leave my mind easily.  Catherine was telling me about how it hurts her to walk (she's had a belly ache) and she was telling me this in her sad and pathetic voice that would melt a biker.  I pretended not to hear her correctly and said that she shouldnt be boxing to begin with. (get it, boxing sounds like walking)...eeeeh, a little anyway.  I then took up a boxing stance.  Of course I wouldn't let it die there and pretended to box with her, giving her the old one-two.  She smiled and laughed...She wasnt going to go to school but she decided that she would give it a chance.  She also told me that i need to drive her into school today because she had to go inside for some meeting.  Fenway came with us so it was fun.
     Jackie was going all out this morning and ready and raring to go for the school bus.  This is the last year of the school bus so we make the best of it and he prepares the tennis ball the night before to make sure we have all our equipment ready for the morning toss.  The first throw always go way up in the air and he went through a stretch where he dropped the initial sky high throw.  Maybe like three in a row....scandalous i say.  So he makes sure the first throw is sky high and sometimes, like this morning, he drops it on purpose for old times sake.  So this morning he would sit on his bum facing me and had me rolling it to him and he would throw it to me like that.  Sometimes it would go over my head i must say.  He made sure to tell me that i have to tell him if there are any cars coming from behind him or I might be losing my youngest son.  oooooh boy what a kid!!!

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