Monday, December 11, 2017

Cat is back in the saddle again..and Wahlburgers after

My little kitty Cat has been out with an injury for three months and had to fight very

hard to get back to competing.  She wasnt very happy with the results from the first

meet back but I thought she did great!!!  I'm biased of course but as long as she keeps

smiling we've won.

      We were gonna go to Fire and Ice but for a special treat we spoiled Cat and Erin at Wahlburgers.  Nana came to the meet with us today and joined us here too.  The kids love it here.  They do have good burgers.
      I asked Catherine to show me the pictures that she puts on her snap chat.  This strawberry shake from Wahlburgers is an example.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Making History

Well, how about this.  She is named the swimmer of the year and is the second all-time at the school for the 50 free and 4th all time on the 100 free.  Its quite impressive.  What I like most about her swimming is how much she loves doing it.  She NEVER complains about going to practice and she has a great attitude even when she does't win....which isnt very often.  This night she was very happy about her awards she received. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

900 Posts.....

    Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor
 Welcome to my 900th post on this blog.  I'm still amazed that this is something that i've been able to stick with.  What wonderful memories looking back at how much the kids have grown through the years..  And they have grown.....!!
     As we sit today Jimmy is 16 years old, Laura is 15, Catherine is 12 and Jack is 11.  They are all growing like weeds.  We've been very lucky up to this point because they are all such good kids and have not really caused us much drama...,,,ok, i pause and thought about that last statement and its the truth.  I can sleep easily at night knowing that they are ok....
     Anyway, We have gone through the year pretty good but with Jimmy,Catherine and Laura all having to rehab some injuries from competitive sports.  Jimmy broke his leg last year and had a very bad bone bruise this year from, of course, football.  At first they thought it was broken but was downgraded and he could return to the team after three weeks or so.  Laura had some shoulder issues (butterfly) and Catherine had some really bad back issues from all those gymanstic flips.  Her pain lasted quite a while.  They all went through physical therapy and seemed to be healed up or on the mend.   Jackie seems to be the only healthy one.  My little buddy will be able to brag about that.
       I really enjoy watching them all in their sports.  They all seem to smile all the way through it and not have much drama.  Its alot of work for each one of them but they do it willingly and seem to love it soooo much.     Thats the good thing about having a big family, there is always quite the cheering section.
     So back to the 900 posts.  Every time i past a milestone i make a special post talking about it.  I spend alot of time at night reading back on my posts.  It certainly gives me a special perspective on life with the kids.  People will say to us that we have to enjoy these years because they go by so quick.  I listen to that...i've repreated it before, I know i'll miss it someday but I know that we have  sucked every last ounce of energy out of these times.  We dont stop.  The days of us just hanging around and doing nothing are few and very far between.  There is always something to do or some place to go.  The swagger wagon doesn't usually sit in the driveway too long.  Its got alot of miles on it.
     We havent gone up to the lake as often as I'd like but we still have spent some time up there.  When we do go up there we make the most of it.  I like to go alone and start a fire and text a picture to Laura and she usually sends me back a sarcastic comment to let me know all is well with the world.
  You know, the next real update will be the blog number 1000.  Thats quite impressive.

Homecoming Dance 2017

Jimmy, Clayton, Laura and Lizzie
Jimmy, Clayton, Laura and LizzieHomecoming Dance 2017....Kathy Maglio Gauvain and I tried to teach them some dance moves before they left. but we didnt get to teach them all the dance moves. We did get to the YMCA dance from the Village People. But the know, the chicken dance, hokey pokey, cotton eyed Joe and such. I don't want the other kids to make fun of them for not knowing all the popular dances

Monday, November 20, 2017

Jimmy the Quarterback

Jackie on the Trombone

     Jack's first ever Trombone concert and what an event it was.  Nana, Laura and mommy joined in on the festivities.  They have only been playing for a very short period of time but they sounded good.  Soooooooooooo I grabbed a camera and decided to go along the side wall and get a good shot of Jackie while he was playing.  Being the great photographer that I am, used the side wall to brace myself while i took the distance photo.  This way I keep a steady hand.  Well, I didnt know the side wall was a flexible one and pushed in when you lean against it.  So they had leaned some items against where i leaned and those items (I still dont know what they were) went flying and into the next room did I go.  I kept my footing but there was a hell of a noise.  I righted myself and tried to walk like nothing happened and no one noticed.  The whole hall noticed!!!  Even Jackie came up to me later and said NICE GOING DADDEEE.

     I really think he likes this trombone thing.  He's a fun kid and immerses himself into things he enjoys.  Its always a treat in the house to hear him practicing the trombone......The other kids love hearing it !!  Of course I kid you....But i'll listen to him, from a room or two over of course.

STATES...the big one

      Its the one they've been waiting for all year long...the States meet.  This is where all the best high school swimmers from all over the state come to compete.  Well, our little Laura didnt disappoint.  In her two races she came in second in both of them.  I know she wanted to win, at least one of them, but she's still a Freshman...To finish second in the state is still quite the honor!!  Totally incredible!!!, get my Cowboy hat out because her time was so good in the 50 Free that she qualified for a Qualifying National tournament in Texas.....yeah y'all!!!   Well, we have to work out the logistics of it but this just might be Lyn's turn to bring her so i'm gonna have to ground my ten gallon hat.  But we'll try like hell anyway.
     Laura said that this was her favorite picture....Mr and Mrs Ring and Nana.  Emily, Erin, Momma, Kara, Alice and yes....Jimmy came for the event today.  It was very nice of him to come support his sister. Catherine and Lizzie were also there cheering her on. 

      Here she is on the podium under the watchful eyes of Mr. Ring.  Mr and Mrs. Ring joined us today.  Laura was thrilled as were all of us!!!  He always has such great advice for her and she listens to him.  Right down to the jug of honey !!!

     Here is Laura lining up to jump in the water during the 400 Relay....The team made it on the podium for that one too..forget if they got fifth or sixth place....but it was quite good.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Sectional Swim meet

 Here is part of the cheering crew for the sectional swimming meet for Laura.    Nana, Kara, Emily and Erin are big supporters in most of Laura's meets.  Mr. Ring (Coach) loves to follow Laura on in her swimming season and she loves it.  He has been her motivational coach for years.It warms my heart when the two of them are together.  He is so impressed with her drive and he loves her dedication to the sport.  He's such a wonderul man and is so nice to all our kids.  There was a funny moment during the meet when Laura was drinking some honey and she pointed up to Mr. Ring to show him.  We all loved it.
  Here is Laura with one of the other members of the swim cult posing.
 Laura made the podium for the 100 Free.  It is such a big deal, especially for a Freshman.  The States are next week.  Its so exciting to watch.  I love to watch her compete because she has this smile on her face the whole day long.  She goes up and down the pool deck talking to her teammates and just a continual series of laughs all day long.  Except when she is on the block waiting for the race to that point, the kid is all business.  I mean it, dont talk to her during her mental warm-up for the event, she's in a trance.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Halloween 2017

Oh me goodness its popeye the sailor man with the blue party man.  Nope, only Halloween costumes ya silly folk.   It was a great time.  We have the best neighborhood to go trick or treating in.  You can do the inner loop, then the outer loop and finish in just less then two hours.  Yes, once again I went trick or treating and once again I had my own bag for candy.  I went up to the doors with the kids and  in some houses I made up a story about my son Cooper who was home sick.  Shameless, yes i know.   Cooper is my stage name if your didnt know.   To the people that knew me I told them the bag was for Laura who was with her Swim friends off trick or treating somewhere else.  I think they knew better though.   What can I say, I'm a sailor who needs my booty!! .  
Catherine and Quinnie were some sort of bears that had footy pajamas.  I couldnt keep up with them.  they were so cute and still enjoy the night.  Its heart warming to watch the kids have so much fun.  Its fun and enjoyable to watch them and be involved in these days.  What ever will i do when they dont want to trick or treat anymore!!!

Friday, November 03, 2017

Soccer night in Malden...under a full moon

     How cool for the little guy to play an away game under the lights..  Its real interesting to get over there fighting rush hour traffic towards Boston....But it was worth it for Jackie.  He scored two goals in a 3-0 victory.  This kid, like his older brother Jimmy, never stops moving.  Its so fun to watch him playing.  I cant believe how good he's become.  He flies down the sideline, sidestepping defenders like a pro.  Of course, I'm not bias at all....and there was a full moon too but i only had my cell phone camera that couldn't capture it so well.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Jimmy's confirmation....such a holy child

     James has been in religious classes for many years leading up to this day.  He was thrilled to go every time.  For him this was graduation from CCD.  Here is a very rare whole family picture
     He has gotten older and looked very handsome..Aunt Jo was very proud.
Nana was Jimmy's sponsor and was very proud.

     James made his confirmation name CHARLES in recognition of his friend CHARLIE.  I think thats awesome.  Those two have been buds for some time.  Here he is with Nana and Doe.  

Jimmy with his proud Mama...

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Does this ever get old?

     The answer is NO.  We woke up Sunday, Laura was at a swim meet, Jimmy was a 16 year old boy who didnt want to hang with us and Cat and Jack wanted to go out to eat.  Well, the griddle made its way up north and it was easier to go out to breakfast.  So out to breakfast we went and as usual, we had fun at the Earl.  They definitely wanted to go see old friend Black Gordon and ride on the trolley if one came by, of course one did so off on the trolley we went.  So no, it dont get old because we are still having so much fun and they still ask to go.  ahhhhhh, I cannot do justice to the way it makes me feel after the day is done just to quickly look back on the day.  I love these days.  They don't know how happy they make me feel :)