Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Not a chance

My friend Leslie posted this photo on Facebook today.   She has three kids.  And yes, silence is golden.   Do you know that every fifth and sixth week I get the Friday off.  Its a big joke around the house that on those Fridays, something always happen.   If there isn't someone throwing up in the middle of the night, I am told the kids have a half day at school.  I swear for every day off for at least a year something happened to derail Daddy's day.  Laura loves to come home and tell me that there is a half day, or that I have to do something that day.  I have come to accept it.  I suppose if left to my own, I could get into a lot of trouble.  But don't we feel uncomfortable, or even guilty if we take that time and aren't with the little cherubs.  I've gotten so used to them that if I'm not with them, I'm thinking of them.  I have even gone to the schools and taken one of them out to go somewhere on days when I shouldn't.  I have to come to the realization that I used them to do the things that I want to do, but its just too immature to do at my advanced age.  I've gone and taken Laura out to go to Wahlburgers for her birthday, and then to tell her when we were going to Florida just so that I could tell her.  Jimmy and Jack suckered me into going to breakfast before so he could get out of school.  When I do have some time i like to bring them to the coffee shop and maybe over to this black train that hasn't moved in about thirty years.....sometimes just to sit there and drink our coffee and make believe coffee's.  Yeah, I guess we really believe in the fantasy of having our own time, quiet and away from life, but the reality is, we'd rather be with the little ones, they are what gives us our greatest laughs, our biggest frustrations and overall sound problems.  I've developed an ability to ignore a lot of the sounds around me.  Lyn actually wanted to send me to a hearing doctor because she told me I was going deaf.  I laugh alone at that is pretty funny if you think about it.  It took some practice.

But sometimes it is nice to just get away without the feelings of guilt...but we do think of the kids.

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