Friday, August 12, 2016

Patriots game

     It was Jackies turn to go somewhere with Daddy.  He had never been to the Patiots before and for a couple of weeks he had planned that we would go to the Red Sox game Saturday but the opportunity to go to the Patriots came around and we didnt hesitate.  We left the house around 2pm and had to get the food for barbecue and then head out.  He insisted on Steak tips and hot dogs so thats what we got.  We got into the parking lot no problem and set up behind the car and ate up with alot of playing catch with the football in between.
Love this smiling picture....the picture below shows how we were cooking on top of our table.  Maybe that wasn't the wisest decision because the plastic melted away from the grill

     Umple Eddies seats are awesome right in the end zone.  Jackie was worried that he wouldnt be able to see because there was a guy with an enormous head in front of us but we worked our way around it.  A couple of large drinks of soda was all it took during the game.  That was mostly because the line for the ice cream was about a mile long.  We did end up getting ice cream on our way out at the end of the night.

     Here is what happens when you use a plastic foot stool as a grill table.  It's actually a piece of art pretty those circles are

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My guy was at that game too with his uncle!