Friday, August 19, 2016


Two weeks of vacation have come and was sorta like, nice to know you, see ya later....We went to North Conway for a bit and then to the lake.  We love this place, its very comfortable to us.
  You know, we have four kids and we are so used to having them all with us most of the time.  Its uncomfortable when we dont have all of them there.  Jimmy wasn't with us for some of the second week as he went and did his football thing with practices for the upcoming season.  Something was definitely missing...
so here is my pinterest addition.  Its these shelving things that I saw on pinterest for bringing items to the beach.  So we were driving one day and saw one in someones driveway with a FREE sign on it.  It was calling for me.   Lyn is not very fond of it.  I suppose one of these days i need to grow up...but for now, i'll just stay immature.   I stacked things around it in the car so she wouldnt see it...
We went to dinner at the lake in Wolfborough....It was a seafood restaurant.  I figured if youre by the ocean you might as well eat seafood....Yes, i know its the lake.  I saw the water and my palette was tricked so I ordered haddock and clam chowder.
  Back at the lake, Laura is loving the paddleboard and Catherine is getting much more comfortable in the kayak.

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