Wednesday, July 20, 2016


My psycho-catcher was at her best the other night.  She is a very intense catcher for her team very good at that too.  At one point during the game she had to make a throw to third to peg a runner and the throw hit the the foot.  Drama ensued and by the miracles of life, the runner was able to get up and shake it off.  A mother in the crowd behind home plate called Laura a BITCH.  Why o why would she want to wake the evil inside of this girl.  When you encounter such a competitor as Laura, you don't want to taunt her, she will only beat you more.  Thankfully she is still a lady and did not respond with any verbal actions......Lyn made sure she was able to get out of the park without any further problems and she encounter two coaches from the other team on her way out who wanted Laura to play on their club team....they said all of this in front of mommy bitch talker.....Its good to be asked but she's a swimmer first but you can just smile and move on.....anyway, I was talking to Laura and she was not fazed by what happened.  I told her that I couldn't mock her during the game like I usually do with the name the lady called her....I usually call her Hippie, or psycho and she smiles at me.....but its not like I can yell out GO GET EM YOU, not so she told me that a bitch is a female dog...I then asked her, what about Mickey Mouses dog...Pluto....nope, she said Pluto is a, its now decided we will take the feminine of Pluto....I will now call her PLUTA.....oh, this has to be the silliest blog post ever

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