Thursday, July 21, 2016

Erp,hayr, hoot, woop, woop, woop,yep yep, whistle hep hep, doop doop

If you've. Never been to a swim meet before, get ready for some loud lunacy,.  I guess one of the oddest thing a newcomer to this sport  that catches your attention is the middle aged chubby males, their coaching noises and overall noises, tactics and otherwise pure lunacy that comes with it.  A lot of them look like cousin bubbah.  You will see one of them running alongside of the swimming lane with a rolled up piece of paper held above their head as they make this ungodly hooting noise...and what's even worse is the whistlers...
     Here are a couple of the bubbah's mixed in...whoop, whoop, blop, blop, yeeeep, yeeep...I'm not exaggerating, I swear

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