Monday, July 04, 2016

Fourth of July 2016

     Ahhh, the fourth of July festivities.  Annually, just an all around fun time for all.  The kids start by running the two mile race, then the parade, over to the swim club and then we finish it all with the fireworks. 
     gooooooo Jackie....he ran with uncle Jamie this week.  Jeez, just a couple of years ago he spent the whole race on my shoulders and now he is kicking butt through the course
Catherine is an unbelievable runner now.  Of course they got near the finish line and Laura told her she had to stop for some reason.  Catherine, being the sweet sister that she is, stopped to see if Laura needed some help.  Laura then bolted off towards the finish line so she could finish ahead of her....ohhhh, that was such a Jimmy move.
     Speaking of Jimmy, there are limited picutres of him running because once again he kicked butt during the race and was way ahead of everyone.  I'm hoping Kara got a picture of him running....but the last two races he's done he's been very fast.

Here is Laura with her friend Rachel.  Rachel is so funny its hard not to like her.  She's such a nice kid and is always smiling and laughing.  If Laura isnt with her, he's texting and snapchatting, instagramming or whatever the kids do these days.  But its so heartening to see what a great time these two have together.  Laura told me she's so happy that Raquel and Emma are now closer friends because she now has both of her best friends together and it forms like a circle of friends for words, not hers....

now if i would have taken this picture i would have been accused of something....its kara's picture

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