Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Swimming weekend for Laura

Saturday morning we got up extra early and headed on out to try and qualify for the Bay State games.  They are the local Olympics and its quite a big deal to be able to qualify for them.  Laura would have to compete against kids from all around the state and she didn't really know how she would do. She is 13 years old and her division is the 13 to 15 year old group, so she had to really shake things up...okay, I'm setting you up for excuses if we don't qualify.... She entered into four events and was hoping to qualify in one event.  It was really awesome how pumped up she was for it.  She has been recovering from a double concussion so her practice time had been limited because she had to take some time off...Those flip turns are tough to do with concussions and we wanted her to feel much better before she got back into it...Well, she's been back into it alright......still not at 100 percent, she surprised even herself when she qualified in all four events that she entered into......The fire in that gal !!!
The very next day we were up early once again and heading out to MIT for another swim meet.  She doesn't complain about it and loves her swimming.  Its a big girls pool.  This time Catherine and Nana joined us with Auntie Kara who was there with Emily competing also.  Lots of fun....
Laura showed me some app on her phone where we can do this sort of thing, lest you think I've turned into another sort of animal.

I am constantly opening my phone and finding all kinds of Catherine and Jack selfies....Its good to know she finishes all the drinks I buy her anyway.
The picture below is the MIT pool....Its a long 50 meter long course pool....its the big time baby....I cant wait till we go swimming at the Harvard pool next month.....well, we huh.  The only way I'll go swimming there is if I fall in the pool....Lets not count that out though.
Smiles, smiles and smiles from Emily and Laura.  So fun to watch these gals compete.  They love swimming and that makes it so much easier to sit around all day for!!!

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