Wednesday, June 29, 2016

James is now among the working class

     Jimmy is now working, his very first job.  He's working maintenance at the swim and tennis club.  Within the first half hour he was cleaning vomit from around the pool deck.....If you could see me typing this, I'm giggling like a school girl.  I got no less than ten texts from him about how horrible it was.....Oh goodness!!!  His second day on the job was a lot better than the first he says.  No pukers anyway!!  The other morning all the kids were awake by 6:30 am and were in my bed.  It was awesome, all we (including Jimmy) did was laugh and laugh about Jimmy's unfortunate day on the job.  We were calling him the regurgitating engineer....okay, that was me calling him that but we laughed and laughed.  How fun was it to have them all on the bed for the morning. 

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