Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Young James...

yes, that's what a lot of people call me at work, but its what I call my oldest.  Soon, I will be attending the Harlem Globetrotters with just he and I and I think of all those trips that we've taken the train to the North Station to hit the McDonalds there for his Chicken Nuggets and then proceed along.  I guess one more time now.  He got these tickets from him girlfriend for Christmas and off we go.  Its good that he still wants me to go with him at least. 
We've spent some time this week outside after I get home from work playing basketball.  The first day he and Laura were talking some smack about the OLD MAN (me) and then with a game of HORSE they ended up losing I got to be the smack talker.  We had another game with Charlie and he ended up winning so Jimmy is going to want blood now.  He's played all this year in high school and I'm an old timer so I'll take any win I can get.   Plus he's taller than me now, did I mention that.....ee gads, how did that happen.  A very good kid though, we are very lucky I must say.  they all are, for that I'm very thankful.

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