Tuesday, March 08, 2016

State Championships for Catherine

     The smiles tell the story.  She has so much fun doing her gymnastics.  She has such good friends there and continually smiles through the meets.  She wont miss a practice no matter what!!  Its good to see such confidence in my little girl.  Its amazing actually for her to have this way about her.  This has to be the best things we've done for her. 
     On this day we travelled out to Holyoke to compete in the State Championships.  Not a problem at all.  She had a blast and even got a 9.15 on the balance beam.  I love to see her face whenever she scores over a 9 on something.  Her mouth goes wide open and she just gushes.  She cheers on her friends and is so happy for them too. 

     Overall, she came in 8th in her age group for the State, which we think is just wonderful!!!

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