Tuesday, March 15, 2016

One more time......again

     I was half joking when i said that i'm sure he'd be back on his latest farewell tour the last time we went to see Barry....
see that here.....http://my-children.blogspot.com/2015/06/looks-like-we-made-it.html

.but, here we were, all bundled and off to Manchester NH for his latest "one more time' concert.  It was a blast.  I could only corral up Laura, Catherine and Jack from our immediate family, but Theresa, Eileen, Penny and Ed came with us to join in the revelry..,...and what a festive night it was.  He wrote the songs, sang the songs and we danced the night away together.  It was such a great time, even if it it was a school night.  But hey, i always say there are no do-overs....and things like Barry Manilow concerts only come around so often.
Patrick was going to come with us too, but he said that he had to perform open heart surgery.  Wow, i didnt even know he was a doctor.  Timmy sent his regrets too, but it was shampoo night....go figure, what were the odds....
      Laura, well, she feigned her excitement at coming.  She said something about going to see a 75 year old guy singing but she was dancing.....it beats sitting at home doesnt it you little hippie!!!  She is a good kid and seemed to enjoy herself.

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