Monday, October 27, 2014

Laura's birthday week....yes, week

No longer can we wait all year for that special day....nooooo, its a birthday week now.  She was actually very cute about it all and we were more than happy to oblige.  It was a fun week, fun but tiring, and it led us all over.  On her birthday night, she had a plain old happy birthday night, which was nice.  I asked her where she wanted to go for her birthday, now she could have gone anywhere she wanted.....but she wanted to go to Wahlburgers

   We went over to Wahlburgers the day after her actual birthday, a day which happened to be a school day.  Hmm, what to do here.  Well, I went inside to sign her out of school and ran into her principal.  After talking to him for a couple of minutes, I told him exactly what we were doing..hey, there are no do-overs right?  Anyway, up the stairs comes Laura and the principal says to her..hey Laura, where are you going today??  The look on her face was so funny.  She wouldn't lie but she didn't say a word about it either.  It was well worth it in the grand scheme of things

And then she ended the week at the Patriots game.  We had a tailgating feast and played some catch in the parking lot................and Laura and mommy went into the game.  I stayed in the car the whole game watching the game on my iphone.   I have to say, it was sooooooo peaceful.  Not only that, it was a great game they got to watch.  After seeing probably the best game of the year, Laura thought the best moment was when they were leaving and these two fat guys started fighting each other and bloodied themselves.  Its always a circus going to those game, though she should have seen it back in the day....oooo.....Happy Birthday Hippie

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