Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Artie T.....The hippie walks the line

     So as I go through my pictures I'll catch up.....There is no way we can go through these last months in the blog without a mention of Laura's crusade to back Arty T.  We'll remember that Artie T.  was forced out as CEO of Market Basket by his evil cousin Artie S.  The story is quite an intriguing one and shows how employee's (who we know a few) backed their CEO and how customers (like us) refused to shop there anymore until they reinstate him.  Being the hippie that she is, Laura made up signs and took up the cause of good versus evil.....we even went and marched one Saturday in September, waving to cars and walking the picket line.  It was really funny...but I think I'm helping to create a monster hippie
  We ended up talking to a lot of employees that day and they were happy to have her there. My little hippie, the activist...eee gads

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