Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Box Hockey

perhaps you don't know what box hockey is....well, i'm not surprised because not many people away from these parts actually do.  a little history......when I was a wee lad growing up we used to spend a lot of time during our summers playing Rec games down at the old park with with Rec kids, and as part of their games that they had, box hockey was one of them.  I was never a box hockey king but I spent a lot of time playing during those days.  you see, box hockey is a game where there is a small puck,  made of wood, that goes from one end of the field of play into the other by going through small hole in the foldable, midsection of the game board.  On the other end, naturally, there is a goal. 
During the folk festival they had a couple of those games and the kids really seemed to like playing it.......Well, one day I got an email on facebook from an old pal named Pam and she asked me if i'd be interested in having her box hockey game that her kids had outgrown.  Apparently, her kids are in college now and have little use for it.  She told me she thought we would get some use out of it.  Well, I first thought it was a good idea, then the more I thought of it I realized what a great idea it was.   I got to the point where I couldn't wait to go grab it from her.  We have had tournaments on the front lawn(yeah, I know, front lawn)...for the longest time I had been undefeated...until that one dreaded day when Laura took me into overtime and stuffed me.  Goodness gracious that girl is a monster.......Its actually been a real treat having this game.  Its a really loud game, not only the sticks hitting the wood, the trashtalking too......its a blast though and one more thing in our arsenal.....

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