Monday, June 03, 2013

The ball it soars, the crowd it roars........

     Really, what is there in life during these days besides baseball, softball and soon, more swimming.  James has held off hitting his first home run until all of us just clawed our hair out watching him bounce it off the wall time and time again.  Well, Friday night in the bottom of the third inning, with the place mobbed with people, not a parking spot to be had, number 57 stood at the plate and blasted one out.  Not a shot for the faint of heart, this one is still seeking a landing stripe.  He so cooly ran around the bases with the crowd going wild.  He has slowly started to admit how cool it is to hit a home run.  The next game one of the coaches gave me a case for him to put the ball in.  Unfortunately, i didnt think they found the ball so I had to go get another ball and put it in the case.  Swift thinking because when i brought it to him he told me that they had found the ball in a water puddle beyond the center field fence and given it to him.....errr, I figured something out and now we have the ball in a case.  Seriously though, he really could care less......some day when he's old and someone I know, he'll appreciate it.
"How much are the home-run pills?"

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