Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Laura end of year 4th grade concert

     Laura had her end of the year concert and got to show off how well she can play the violin now.  She did a really good job along with her fellow hippie Eva. 
     Over the last five years i've spent alot of time with Laura's classes as a volunteer.  Its so interesting to see them grow up right in front of our eyes.  They are good kids. 

    These two goofballs wanted to show us how they were going to busker and make some money.  of course Daddy was the only one giving up any money.

     Before the concert it was portfolio night which means we go into her classroom and look at how far she's come with her writing.  She is very smart and really enjoys school.  Part of the fourth grade tradition is that the kids make a mask.  I dont know what the hell this thing is but its made by Laura so there has to be some hippie value to it.  She's so fun, especaally with her fellow hippie Eva.

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