Monday, May 20, 2013

Put a bullseye around my head

I am definitely a target there at the pitching mound.  After the first time I was hit by a come-backer by spoken of here in a former blog
Jack has struck again.....and yet again.  After the first time he hit me he kept talking and talking about it so that finally I just told him that I thought it was great he hit the ball so hard so I just told him to keep hitting Daddy with the ball...wellllll...two games later he did just that.  He hit a shot, now I mean a shot right back at me and off of my right leg, not me right on my ass..of course there was a laugh had by all...Because i'm coach pitching I cant catch the ball and i certainly cant get out of the way.  So we went through a whole other five or so days of him telling everyone about how he's done that to me twice now.  Well that wasnt quite enough though.  With Aunt Jo, Nana and Doe sitting on the sidelines watching the little buggah went head hunting once again.  The last one was on Saturday and to his defense, I do encourage him to try and hit me with the ball.  That motivates him to hit it hard.  Well, one split second after pitching i was on the ground after just barely gettting away from one right back at my head.  The next time up, he hit it way over my much so that it flew all the way into the outfield in the air..twas a shot...a home runner as he would call it.......

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