Saturday, May 04, 2013

The Shrine and a cookie crunching hit from Jackie

Everyone once in a while on Fridays, I head out to the old Shrine church, a place mom used to go to quite frequently. When she moved to the old folks home she would walk to this church every day, rain or shine. We would warn her against it but off she would go. she would always sit in the same pew, first row after the aisle of the second section. I go and light candles at St. Jude, St. Lucy and Mother Mary. Then I go and sit in her same pew and just relax there for a bit. I really dont know what my beliefs are, but i know what hers were. I do it for her and the hope that maybe she was right all along.
Today, I got dropped off there and found my way in. There were actually quite a few people there saying the rosary but there were plenty of seats available. Only some lady was sitting in mums seat. I went and lit the candles and didnt know what to do after lighting Mother Mary. Sooo, I went the long way into the pew and went all the way close to the aisle where this lady was sitting. So she wouldnt think I was weird for sitting next to her when there was ample seating, I whispered to her that this was where my mother sat all the time and I was just going to sit there for a minute. She started by asking me my name and we continued in about a fifteen minute conversation in the middle of a quiet prayer filled venue. She told me she saw me come in and I seemed to know exactly where I was going. We ended up knowing a quite a few people in common and she told me funny stories of her life growing up in catholic schools. I never did get to pray any....not that I would pray that much anyway. And my version of the Rosary is not the same as the others....but it was still pretty neat to talk to her. She just had to know she was sitting in the holy seat though....
Tonight, there was a baseball game of coach pitch baseball. Yes, I'm the coach and yes, i'm pitching. Jack batted sixth and was, as usual, very amped up about the matchups. We had our usual pre-game pep talk followed by the usual silliness of six and seven year old boys. I started by losing my old, old glove and found out that the other team had mistakenly taken it over to their side of the field. Now, my glove is as old as Lincoln so I dont know how anyone mistook it for theirs but there was happiness and relief that it was found. I've had it for a while.
Anyway, the cast of characters came and went until my little Jackie strode up to the plate. With his serious face he got ready to hit a home-runner, as he calls it. I have to say, he's hitting the hell out of the ball and is really impressive. Well, here we go with a heater down the middle of the plated. KABOOM, the little stinker slammed it right back up the middle in a line drip that struck dear old Pops in the midsection. Plenty of laughs all around, from both sides as dad got dropped to the ground with the solid contact. He apologized to me later because he thought I was mad. I saw him chuckling with his fellow humorists on the sidelines...the little buggah. Good thing the factory is closed because he isnt getting any more brothers or sisters after that episode.
The other kids came and watched the game, thankfully they missed the Charlie Brown moment. Its a fun team and the kids cant help but have fun.
Tomorrow, all four have games throughout the day and it proves to be a very interesting and busy day.

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