Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

      There is my baby Catherine hiding between the spokes for another year.  It seems like last week when she put her face up there and would play games with us.  Right now, he front tooth is very loose and is in critical condition.  We dont think its going to make it.
      The first time I ever made my way to Aunt Jo's for a holiday meal, Lyn asked me if I wanted some cranberrry sauce.  I said okay and she gave me some of that 'stuff' on the left.  I immediately corrected her and let her know that cranberry sauce had ridges in it.  Every year since then they have their 'traditional' stuff and the real stuff...with the ridges in it.  They have been so lucky to have me and the culture that i bring to the table, literally.
     I love it when Jacob comes over and plays with Jimmy and the kids.  He's such a great kid with a big heart. 

      The kids had a play at holiday intermission.  Jack was supposed to play the role of 'Jab' but he had other contractual obligations so I had to play that role. 
                                                                                         Baby Erin was a pilgrim lady for the play

      During our trip to Jamaica several years ago,  We brought Aunt Jo one of these sought after smoking Joe cell phone holders.

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