Friday, November 02, 2012

500 Blog Posts....WOW

     It all started here in March of 2006.
I wanted to keep track of life with the kids.  Jackie wasn't even born yet when I started doing this.  As a matter of fact, here is his birth announcement blog:
     As one can imagine, life takes alot of your free time when you have four kids and want to have some sort of a life.  Thankfully, I was blessed with the ability at a very young age to type like the wind, paragraphs at a time instead of sentences.   The lack of time accounts for a lack of proof reading and the ability to go over and re-wite,or smooth over awkward sentences and paragraphs that seem to come out of nowhere. 
     Through these years we have seen quite a bit and lived through quite a bit.  As I look them over and over they are, of course, sugar coated with happiness and smiles.  Thats not to say there have been many bad days, because I don't think there has been many, just life has its moments  I've chosen not to include the drama that will be in our memories enough so that its not worthy of remembering through reading it at a later time.  But we are certain that we have survived illnesses, disability, a bar exam (only one thank god), death of a parent     and many other things that cause tears to grown men, just like any other family. 
     Through those earlier blogs there was no one to share them with so I was just kind of writing for myself.   As a matter of fact I didnt let this thing be known for quite some time when I shared the blog with Aunt Jo and the Clam from Rhode Island (haha), and Suzie from Memphis and Doe.  So onward I went and the blog became somewhat of an obsession and on and off it went until present time.  I enjoy it quite a bit and keep it as a funy hobby that I mostly get to do at nights when I have a few minutes before bedtime.  Most of the blogs were read and re-read from the kids and I.  Alot of times one of the kids will question whether we have done one thing or another and I can just go back and pop on our memory page and let them read.  It makes us smile to go back and see how much the kids have grown up over the years.  One of these days I"m going to make our own personal book out of this blog so the kids will have it with them for memories sake. 
     But for now, I update what the little stinkers are doing with their lives......At the time of this writing, Jimmy is 11 years old and is in the sixth grade.  He is growing out of everything.  His shoe size went from 6 to 10 and a half and it seems like every time I look at him he has grown a couple more inches.  He is staying very active with a just complete season of flag football, traveling basketball and, of course, AAU baseball, which runs almost all year round.  He likes school enough, gets good grades but he has to work at it, which he sometimes balks at doing.  He hangs around with his freind Charlie all the time.  The two of them are so goofy I dont think they'll ever get girlfriends.  They play that damn Xbox machine.....but only on weekends.  Daddy and Mommy are so mean because we hate that thing.  I dont play it and if I did, I would feel that it is time I will never get back in my life...yuck.  But I let him do it because its what kids do and truth be told, he has good friends.  We have been very lucky up until now because they have chosen really good friends throughout the years.  Jimmy and Jack are sometimes at each others throats like brothers do but other times Jimmy is such a good big brother with all of them by helping them play things.  I looked in on Catherine the other day and there was Jimmy on her bed reading a book to her.  That was great....Just when you think.....they go and do something like that.  Cat loved it.  and onto my Laura....she is keeping herself busy with nonstop swimming.  She really, really loves swimming.  Its a good thing because she does it all the time it seems.  She does really well in school.  When she comes home i have never once had to ask her to do her homework, she does it all by herself.  She's getting to that age where i cringe if she asks me to help her because I might not know what the answer is, especially if she dont know.  She keeps the hippie life alive and thrives on that way of loving the tie dye clothing and her hippie name 'bacon'.  She is very fun and silly so she's fun to hang around with...and has always been mature beyond her years.  She is my big helper for anything i need.  We probably take advantage of that but she's the only one that gets an allowance.  I went into her class this week and her teacher told me that Laura asked her to call her Bacon.....she laughed and refused as if she had never heard anything like it...I overheard her saying last week that she can get anything she wants from me anytime she wants it.......daddy's little girl.................and then theres my little angel Catherine.  She is now 7 years old and still the sweetest little thing around.  She has joined Laura on the swim team and is really starting to like it.  She's a very sensitive gal and gets scared alot easier than the others.  The other day i was coming towards the living room speaking out loud and said we are having a hurricane...she didnt take it too well.  It was kind of cute.  The best part of my day, every single day, is when i'm heading off to work and the kids are heading to school.  Catherine walks me out to my car...I give her an invisable one hundred dollar bill, sometimes two....then she gets quarters for her and the other kids out of the coin drawer.  Then as I'm leaving she gives me a great big hug and kiss and tells me I Love you her sweet little voice.  I tell her I love you forever, she says I like you for always I say As long as i'm living she says my baby you'll be.....and then she waves at me all the way down the street.  I would record it one day but I know one day in the future i would cry my eyes out watching it because she's so gosh darn cute.....Cat is doing well in school the last couple of weeks i've been lucky enough to volunteer for her twice...once the famous Garrison House and the other day the pumpkin cute...........and then theres Jackie...haha...actually he is so fun to hang around with.  I know he's a little devil but he's funny as hell.  Just within the past five minutes he demonstrating Gronkowski's spiking of the football...he is so demonstrative when he does his instant replays.  He loves his brother so much and tries to be just like him.  Jimmy doesnt get it all the time but its so nice to see when they are both playing together...Jimmy being 11 and Jackie 6 is a big difference in age.  I know what thats like...I was the younger brother bothering the older siblings.  Jackie just doesnt have a filter.  He is my partner on my days off.  We still go to Black Gordon quite a bit.  We have added wall ball at Black Gordon to our list of things to do.  He's non stop action and non stop chatter and does not have any problems telling everyone what is on his mind at any given time as evidenced by the many blog posts just about him.  There really is something new with him every single day that just cracks me the heck up....he's a riot....but sometimes...ahhhhhhhh Jackie. 
     The other day I was at the web activity for Laura's class room and all of the fourth grade students took part in making the web.  One of the fourth grade teachers was my sister Thresa's best friend way back when.  She commented on how disappointed she was that she hadnt had any of my kids for students and she then stated that she was retiring in four years.  I did my quick math and let her know that my Jackie might be in her last class and I commented that either way she would probably be leaving after having him.  She told me that he could not possibly be as bad as I was when I was his age....she said..ooooooo, you were a devil, shook her head and then laughed and yeah, real bad. ......I just dont believe it!!!

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