Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Annual Bike ride to school

    Every year around the last week of school we take the bikes to school.  Jimmy's school is so much closer than the girls so this year was just me and my two gals riding the big streets all alone.  it was so cute to listen to Catherine the whole way telling me how much she loves riding her bike to school with us.  She really is very sweet.  Well, we chose the date we were going to do this years trip about two weeks ago..Little did we know it would be a 95 degree morning..just pure sweat the whole way and back.  It was worth it though because they enjoyed it so much.  When we got to the school Catherine was looking all around for her classmates so that they could see her riding into school like a big girl.  It was 100 degrees when i finally skipped out of work early to pick them up.  I went into the school dripping with sweat and their kindergarten teacher saw me and offered to get me some water....after all, i was standing next to the water bubbler.  I guess i looked pretty pathetic walking into the school with my bike helmet on.  It was a great workout though to ride in the heat like that.  Really, the high of the ride was just watching how happy it made my little sweetheart Catherine.  She must have told me ten times how much she loved riding her bike with her daddy.  well worth it!!!

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