Saturday, June 16, 2012

The land of the dollar bill

  This years baseball trip has finally arrived.  It was a no-braiuner as to where we were going as soon as we heard the Sox were going to play at Wrigley.  Off we went on Thursday night and it was pretty painless to get there.  After a short cab ride we went across the street to Lake Michigan and did some walking and hanging out at the water fountain.  We were so exccited to head over to the game.....once there we met aunt jo and her friends feeney and marsha at the cubby bear, which a restaurant directly across the street from the park.  It was a nice, old ballpark and it was so fun to see that old red sign outside.
    Once inside the park it seemed alot more modern than Fenway Park.  It was interesting to see bleacher type seats on the roof of houses across the street.  The people here were generally nice to Sox fans.  We both had waited so long for a championship, they still wait of course. 
    Sixth inning was of course still ice cream time and off Jim and I went into the bowels of the park to find a helmet full of ice cream.  Thats always our tradition.  When we get the ice cream that means we usually go searching for better seats, usually around home plate.  In Cleveland a couple of years ago we ended up in the front row behind home plate on television.  No different this time, we went and found seats about ten rows from the field.  We went up and got umple Eddie and he joined us for the rest of the game.  The sox won the first game and we hung around just long enough for the crowds to thin so the trolley's werent nuts, they were busy enough just not outrageous.

    On Friday night we needed something to fill up our time after the early day baseball game so we decided to take a jaunt out the back door to the old Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower.  Not a big fan of heights, I was with two people who could care less about the 103 stories below them.  My heart was racing as I looked under my feet and through the glass bottom floors

     On Saturday morning we got up and out after breakfast and went looking for some bike rentals.  It was darn hot there but we were on the water.  We did find some bike rentals and off we went for about two hours on Lake Michigan.  At one point the ump and JImmy found a beach and dove right in to cool off.  I stayed with the bikes...We were in a city after all. 

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