Sunday, July 15, 2012

Baltimore/DC baseball trip

Lyn always says that the summer is over when the fourth of July parade comes rolling in.  I'd just like to say to summer that you have been steamrolling over us.  We are certainly getting the most out of you.    There is absolutely no time to rest and relax thats for sure.  I've been meaning to get to the blog and just keep up with the pictures but even that has been a stretch.  There have been so many things going on.  First off, after Chicago we came home and four days later we drove to Baltimore for Jimmy's baseball tournarment.  The other kids stayed home with Auntie Jo while we toured DC and had tons of fun watching Jimmy play some good baseball in Maryland.  It was like an eight hour drive each way but wasnt really that bad at all.  It was very hot though.  When we were going over the GW bridge the temperature in the car read 106 degrees.
  We got there on a Thursday and on Friday we decided to take a trip though DC and do some touristy stuff.  We went around all the monuments and into the Smithsonian Air and Space museum.  Again, it was a hot day but we still had alot of fun.  Once we got out of DC we had to jet out to Camden yards and catch the Orioles game.  Jimmy's team had purchased a whole block of tickets and we got to see an orioles game.  Jimmy's game was scheduled at 8am the next morning so this made for some very tired boys. 

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