Sunday, December 04, 2011

First Family Christmas party

Here it is, this time of year is officially beginning. The weather has been absolutely beautiful for this time of year. The only blip we had was halloween but otherwise its been great. Today was my family Christmas party. Jimmy had to go to baseball practice in the morning and we had to go pick him up then rush to the party. For the second year in a row, we had our debit card attacked and now again we are approaching the holiday season with no card to buy anything. Arggh! Last year, it was the Santa Claus at the mall who got our card grabbed. This year, i think it was the itunes thingamajig that sucked us in.

Umple Eddie and auntie Paula joined us at the party. I walked in and Paula was up boogying on the dance floor. Between Paula and Eddie they have lost about two hundred pounds this year. I think I might be the bad influence with all the bad food that I love.

I'm thinking that I miss the days where Jackie cried every time he saw Santa Claus. Now he is so cool with him and they get deep in conversation. He's such a womanizer. Last week we went to Friendly's with the ump and mommy and Jack wrote his name and phone number (my cell phone number) on the paper mat.

Kyle with Tommy. Of course Jack also spent alot of the time chasing Kyle around the place.

Auntie Paula went right over to Santa's lap and gave her wish list.

Jimmy is getting so

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