For the second year in a row, James and I took in the Bruins game at the Gahden. As is our custom with regards to Bruins games, we took the train in and had a blast, especially me just listening to his take on how the game was going to go. We've had some good times going to Bruin games over the years and have also seen some good games. Usually, we get into the North Station early and Jimmy wants 10 chicken mcnuggets, large french fries and a large drink. He must have been all snacked out because we walked to the counter and he decided not to have anything at all.......He snapped out of it once we got inside the garden. Not his usually empty stomach but he still put down a whole pizza by himself. We also took in the usual trips to the crowded bathroom. I'm always so aware of the people around us and its funny to see how much older Jimmy is getting. Where I used to make sure he wasn't two feet away from me, I can now say to him that I'll meet him at the sinks when we are done and trust him to be there.....well, i'm still watching his every move. We have a pre planned place to meet just about everywhere. If we get hopelessly lost he knows to either meet me at our seats (which now I know that he knows how to get to) or I just know he's getting old enough to wait for me without freaking out. He's probably happy that i'm giving him this little freedom. While we were waiting in the line, both of us bouncing because we really really had to go, I told him that in the old Boston Garden people would just get sick of waiting and would go into the stairwell and pee right there. He laughed and didnt believe me....but it was true. Several people near us in line overheard me and chuckled because it brought back memories to them too. Oh, those old days!
During the game, there was a lady (well, umph) two rows in back of us that everytime she opened her mouth she sounded like a pig squealing. The fans in back of us took note and started getting on her. She, of course, was a Red Wings fan. Every time she squealed Jimmy and I would just laugh and laugh. I started my improvised squealing. yes, two immature little boys we were but a great laugh just the same. Those guys behind us just kept doing thier imitations and telling her boyfriend what a lucky guy he must be. It was all in good fun as she seemed to not be bothered by it all and just kept on with her squealing. Good thing we werent in Vancouver.
When we got into the garden, there were a couple of bikini (uh huh) clad girls giving away t-shirts. I told Jimmy to stand next to a little hottie for a picture. He didnt want to but the bad influence that I am, i talked him into it along with the assistance of the little trollup girl.
Charlie was also headed to the game today with his brother Sam and his uncle and aunt. We are first row balcony when we go and believe it or not, charlie and company were right below us. Eventually, we were able to get his attention which made Jimmy very happy. Jimmy is learning how to text and is bothering us non stop about getting his own phone. He told me today that he is demanding that we get him one of those slide phones that make it easy for him to text. Yeah, thats all we need. He used mine all day and was texting with charlie before the game and after. what did we ever do before these inventions. After the game, we slid right into the train to head back home. It was pretty comfortable just chilling out listening to his take on the game. He's pretty fun to be with.
When we got into the garden, there were a couple of bikini (uh huh) clad girls giving away t-shirts. I told Jimmy to stand next to a little hottie for a picture. He didnt want to but the bad influence that I am, i talked him into it along with the assistance of the little trollup girl.
Charlie was also headed to the game today with his brother Sam and his uncle and aunt. We are first row balcony when we go and believe it or not, charlie and company were right below us. Eventually, we were able to get his attention which made Jimmy very happy. Jimmy is learning how to text and is bothering us non stop about getting his own phone. He told me today that he is demanding that we get him one of those slide phones that make it easy for him to text. Yeah, thats all we need. He used mine all day and was texting with charlie before the game and after. what did we ever do before these inventions. After the game, we slid right into the train to head back home. It was pretty comfortable just chilling out listening to his take on the game. He's pretty fun to be with.
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