Saturday, December 24, 2011

Another Holiday season

Christmas time around here....whew, talk about nonstop action. I suppose with four kids we should expect nothing less. Its not the things we expect to be busy with, its the things that are the proverbial forks in the road. There was no sleep around the house this week as we all got ready for the little chubby guy to show up with his reindeers. I suppose we all get sappy this time of year. I cant help but think back to all those years on Broadway street and wonder how my parents did it with nine kids and kept us all happy. I remember specific things like my mother worrying that we didnt get enough stuff, of course I always thought there were plenty of toys for us. I remember the Big Wheel one year. I rode that sucker until the wheels practically fell off. Then there was the Huffy 4 bike, all black with spokes. I remember it was so shiny and I swear I can still smell the newness of it. Mum let me ride it on Madonna circle on Christmas morning in the snow. I thought that was so cool riding my bike through the snow. I know I had it for a long time. Its amazing I never got into motorcycles after riding that thing for miles and miles around town. Then there was the year that Santa accidentally left presents in the closet near the tree the next day after Christmas. We must have missed them on Christmas morning because we hadn't seen them but mom found them the next day. There were stockings nailed on the wall....I mean, literally socks nailed on the wall with oranges and apples and some change stuffed inside of them. I was always so happy to see all the stuff lying around the front room. Mom, I just want to let you know, I was never disappointed with Christmas at our house. I loved every moment of it. Those are the moments I want my kids to have. I wonder what memories my little angels will have from Christmas.
Here in Christmas 2011, my little Jackie will most likely remember this year as the one that he has his first cast on his left arm. When he was getting it placed on his arm, he was telling the cast guy that he checked and knows that it wont affect his ability to open presents on Christmas morning. Catherine had a blast putting up ornaments on the Christmas tree. It was her year to put the angel on the top of the tree. She told me for three days straight how she wanted to be the one to put it there this year. Its an irish lady and after much practice and some patience she was able to nail it on the first (or second, maybe third) attempt. She's got such a precious little voice and she appreciates every moment of the season. Laura just loves to sing and play everything out. We have practiced alot of Christmas songs. She loves to add her own words. She wants us to make a video of Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Auntie Paula actually googled the lyrics to the song so i think we will make a video of it. I have to get that girl into acting classes. Our Jimmy has grown up this year and makes a comment to me every time I mention Santa Clause, if you know what I mean. I have not given in one inch. I am in denial about the whole thing about him growing up. We've gone from Barney toys to Xbox games a little too fast if you ask me. I know he's ten but there is no need to rush these things. i just want him to remain a little boy a bit longer. He was so good with Jacks new injury this week. While he was playing his games he had Jack come downstairs and he even brought a pillow with him so Jack could rest his arm and be comfortable. Really cute. He is a good kid.
Lyn has been running around like crazy making sure everything is in place for this weekend. Every bit of extra time she's been mad shopping and making things right around the house for the holiday madness.
We have our own traditions now and we absolutely cherish them. Its funny how Christmas isnt played out too much in this house though. We like to have our fun all year round. I know it sounds corny but we do certain things all the time that make Christmas just seem like a commericalized stop over for the other things that we do. Our traditions are spending time at Georges with the Ump and Auntie Paula or taking some Sundays to spend together playing ball. There is alot of singing that goes around here. We go to Nana's house a couple of times a week and they all love her spaghetti and wandering around her apartment getting into trouble with Doe. I hope they remember those things just as much, if not more than having Santa come on Christmas morning. They all have good friends and wonderul adults who cater to them all the time. I hope they remember Aunt Jo coming over on Saturdays making Gingerbread men, doing puzzles,bringing munchkins and spoiling the hell out of them.
As I'm sitting here at almost 1am Jack just fell out of Catherine's bed and into the sliding drawer on the side of her bed. He is a transient sleeper. Its a chore some nights to figure out where he laid his head to fall asleep. He is a wanderer that one. One night Lyn sent me a text picture of him lying on the hallway carpet outside our bedroom fast asleep. Every time I get flustered with him I have to take a breath and realize that he is me, or I was him at that age. According to all that knew me anyway. Poor Patrick......I wonder what stories Jimmy will remember or how he terrorized him!!! The next two days should be fun.

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