Sunday, November 06, 2011

Halloween 2011

Another year of ghosts and goblins wandering around the hood This year added some punch in terms of weather, power outages and displaced kids. They all had a great time dressing up, including Jimmy, who we thought wasnt going to dress up. But alas, he did. This was Jackies year of running around collecting all the candy. He even grabbed an extra bag and told people he was collecting double for his doggie...

Catherine Q joined the kids around white maple tree. Dermot walked with us.

Pumpkin carving. Why o why dont i take classes in this "art".

Nana handed out our candies again this year. Jackie looked great as an astronaut.

Catherine loved, loved, loved her witch outfit as did Laura with her devil...This came after about two months of planning where she would bring me a magazine with different costumes and i would put the kabosh to them. They need to make more outfits for KIDS, not little harlets. She would show me these costumes that were not very appropriate.......ooooooo, how i'll love the teenage years.

She's such a smiling happy one!!! Just like the rest of them

Jimmy saw this one and loved the gore and blood.

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