Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Little House on the Prairie

Laura loves to read books. Lyn's favorite book from when she was a kid was the Little House on the Prairie series. Santa Claus got Laura one for Christmas. Inside the book there are directions on how to make the house by using a cardboard box and room plans. Well, it took a large part of the day but little by little we put together the whole house including the people inside, a rocking chair, a gun on the bookshelf(that she made). It was so fun to do with her, especially when she kept telling me how much fun she was having.
The funniest part of it was the door on the side. Thats really where it all started. She told me the father always tied the dog to the front door frame. The door didnt open sideways, it opens from the bottom to the top with a rope so we had to attach Jack the dog to the front door (as you can see). Another funny part is where Laura told me that along with the dog, the father always kept a gun on the bookshelf. I made the picture of the books, she made the bookshelf and then accomanied it with a picture of a handgun....if you look close you'll see how funny it is.

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