Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer flying by

We have a video of Jack catching this fish but it wouldnt go on here. its hilarious. But he did catch this fish and was so excited. He yelled over to me and I helped him reel it in. I really really hate fishing but it was exciting anyhow
this is the first year I let the kids kayak on their own. After some lessons of course.

Jackie loves his big brother.

Off one of the islands where we kayak there is a group of rocks where you can slide the kayak into and get out. Its a great place to go swimming and jump off the rocks. We went just about every day. Here, Jimmy was a bit cold as I was driving him back to home base.

James going solo......He did great

It was like paradise most days

I know it looks like we are in the same kayak but Laura is actually solo here and I"m in the big green one behind her.

there was lots of good food to eat. I lost seventeen pounds in the months leading up to vaykay but definitely reunited some of the fat cells with all the food.

I got stuck alot this day by the damn hook. I hate fishing in case I didnt point that out.

Krisina was soooo good to the kids and they really love her. Shes a cutie

Laura and Mommy

The two of them together are a national security threat

August has been good to us most years with a couple of weeks vacation thrown in there. This year was no different as we headed up north for two whole weeks. The first week NeeNee was also vacationing in her summer house very close to us and we shared the same beach every day. Every morning we would get up very early, set the chairs up, take a walk, eat breakfast and play in the sun every day. JoJo and the ump joined us the first week along with Nana and Doe. They all left except nana for the second week. Friday continued to be pizza night up there and there was more food to eat then we could stuff down our throats. I took over a thousand pictures on the beach. the kids loved riding on the kayak with daddy. I let Jimmy and Laura ride on their own. A couple of the days the kids were able to go fishing and each caught some fish. I hate fishing....I mean really hate fishing. Of course they really like it. Every time I tried to put a worm on the hook the damn hook ended up in my finger. When its time for the to grab the fish off the hook and throw it back I ended up killing two of the fish.

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