Monday, August 23, 2010

Santa's Village

The last couple of years we have gone to StoryLand during our summer vaykay. This year we decided to mix things up a little bit and go to Santa's Village. We will go to StoryLand a little bit later in the year.
Jo-Jo came with us this year and had as much fun as the kids riding on the rides.

The most surprising thing about Santa this year is how easy the kids were talking to Santa. Jack told Santa he wanted a truck, Laura a laptop, Catherine a Barbie and Jimmy wanted some video games.

At one point during the day it began to pour and we thought we wouldnt get the day in. Alas, the rain held off and we were fine.

Jackie loved feeding Dasher.

This is the influence of Kyle. He points his fingers out like that and it has caught on with the others. Love this picture of Catherine

Catherine wonders why she got stuck in the cupcake.

Jimmy loves these antique cars. I remember when I was young I loved them too. Jackie loved driving daddy around in them too.

JoJo and Catherine rolling around

Must have been a smoking chick to the left of the car.

Laura putting out the fire

As Grammy Franny would have said..."The little Deevil"

Diploma at last

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