Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Saturday night was movie night with the little buggahs, all except Jack. Mommy,Charlie, Lizzy, Ump and Paula joined us at the movie theater to watch the movie "diary of a wimpy kid". It was actually a pretty funny movie. All week long the kids were asking me if I wanted to see their pimple..."its got a hair in it". I didnt know where they got that line but I thought it was kind of gross. Now, I found out where they had got the phrase. It must have been on a trailer for the movie. It was gross. The movie was great though. You can tell a successful movie by its ability to keep the kids mind occupied the whole time. They all sat in their chairs and werent even hankering to get up and go to the bathroom, thats a miracle in itself.
There was plenty of snacks from the movie popcorn to the ones we bought at Walmart before the movie and snuck in. Of course I had to have my M&M's, I shared a little of it with the kiddo's....honestly, not alot. The kids loved having Paula and the ump along. Jimmy was just starting to get a little under the weather and spent some of the movie with his head resting on the ump. He got progressively worse, enough to have to skip out of school on Monday. We havent decided if he'll go to school on Tuesday. Its not looking good but we'll see. Jack got sick on Sunday too but he bounced right back and was singing and dancing by mid afternoon on Monday. If Jimmy does stay home on Tuesday we will probably make a trip to the coffee shop and Black Gordon. He doesnt want to stay out of school because he cant sit still for very long. Wednesday and Thursday he takes his competency exams so i'd rather he rests up for those......sleep time now.

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